Wednesday, June 30, 2010
LARVA (a review)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
DEADLY END (a review)
Part of a good idea. Too bad the movie sucked.
The story: a couple movie into a happy home with the husband about to start a dream job. Unfortunately, after meeting a crazy neighbor they start to become sick and realize the neighbor is trying to poison them but can't get anyone to help stop him.
Was it good?
No, it sucked. But the thing is that it really is a good idea for a movie. What if you moved into a house and the neighbor had it in for you? That's a lot creepier to me than DISTURBIA, where the neighbor is a killer but really isn't going to mess with you until you mess with them. Here, they come in and BAM! crazy neighbor messing up their lives.
So the first problem is the why of it all. Now it might seem like you don't need that -- the guy is crazy, isn't that enough? No. And the reason is that it's not interesting. Remeber: stories are vehicles for fascination. So what is fascinating about the reply, "Well, he's crazy." Now there are times when you can make something like this work. THE STRANGERS did a good job with it. There was no reason for the attack. The killers were just doing it to be sadistic, but that played into the whole random, pointlessness of it. There they also had the flashback/subplot of the couple -- two people who loved each other and were on the verge of breaking up because he had asked her to marry him and she had refused. And I don't think a reason for her refusal was given either, but it is now during the attack that they will realize how important and precious their love is...even if it's too late. Now that's a story. But here there isn't anything like that. He's crazy. They try to do things to stop him, but nothing works and he amps up his attacks again and again, getting to the point where the guy is blind and the women is abducted so he can operate on her, ripping out her organs, but then she survives and they are together (although the husband seemed catatonic...not sure what was going on with him). So what's the point? Is he supposed to be some force of nature...he's just a guy who poisons? Because he had other neighbors who liked him, so that doesn't fit. And this is important because having an interesting antagonist is one of the most powerful things a writer can bring to his story. Here, because he's just a wacko, while is can be amusing, in terms of this clash between the two sides it isn't that interesting.
Next is the antagonist's plan. This isn't the why of the plan, but the how. He seems to just have tons of random chemicals that will have whatever effect he wants. Now maybe these are based on real things -- something to make them vomit or have diarrhea is plausabl, but to make them freeze? To make the husband go blind? And to have all these chemicals untracable by the doctors? That needs a little more explaining, especially since this guy isn't portrayed as a genius but as a wacko. So there isn't anything interesting in the HOW of what he's doing since it all seems made up.
Next is the protagonist. Now the contrast of the happy couple moving into a new house and then encountering a neighbor who wants to poison them is good, but the problem is what the husband/wife do after things go wrong. Namely, not much. The husband does try things -- call the cops, talk to doctors, buy a gun, but can't get one -- but none of them go anywhere. Part of the fun of thrillers is the back and forth and here there isn't any back and forth because the husband is never able to do anything effective, he never puts pressure on the antagonist. It's like a basketball game where one team is always ahead by 10 points or more. Sure the other team might go on a run, but if they never get closer then 10 points who cares? So there's no tension.
It's a shame because it is a nifty idea, but this lousy execution and lack of understanding of how to make a thriller or horror movie work dooms it.
*** AVOID ***
Monday, June 28, 2010
TIMELINE (a review)

WILD COUNTRY (a review)

An Irish horror film with a Little Red Riding Hood theme.
The story: after a young girl gives up her baby, she and some friends go out into the country where she finds a baby that she wants to care for, but which leads to them being hunted down by a giant wolf.
Was it good?
No. The whole thing was kind of weird. I mean, she loses a baby and then finds a baby out in the woods (which *Holy Crap!* is close to something I have in one of my scripts!), but then they are pursued by this giant -- and I mean giant -- wolf. Um...why? I never got the connection really between the wolf and baby. Eventually the other kids are killed off and she gets to a house where the priest who took her baby is meeting them and I think it's supposed to be something about him taking her baby (he talked her into it or he made her or something? Or maybe he was father? Was that it?) Anyway, it ends with the wolf devouring the pirest from inside the house somehow (so she was a wolf?) and then a family of wolves leaving (so she was one of them? This was a werewolf story?)
Yeah, clearly I didn't get it, and I'm usually pretty good with the fairy tale-as-metaphore stuff. But to be honest that was just the end and if the rest had been really solid it wouldn't have mattered, but nothing really worked for me. The girl losing a baby and then finding one was neat (so neat I wrote a story about it...) but none of the characters or relationships really did anything and the wolf was kind of comical. And I feel bad for saying that because they actually did some cool things and it looked practical instead of just CGI and they didn't do the whole keep it dark so no one really sees it and they had some nice shots...and yet...it just wasn't convincing.
It's too bad. A smarter story (with less annoying kids) and a little better directing (not that the directing was horrible but it needed to be a little better to pull this off) and this might have been neat. But it wasn't.
*** AVOID ***
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Friday, June 25, 2010
WOLF MOON (formerly DARK MOON RISING) (a review)

Thursday, June 24, 2010
2:13 (a review)


MAREBITO (a review)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010
YOGA (a review)

SPLICE (a review)

Sunday, June 20, 2010
I WITNESS (a review)

Thursday, June 17, 2010
THE COOK (a review)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
A horror movie with Kevin Dillon (Entourage), Lance Hendricksen (Aliens), Vanessa Angel (Weird Science) and Jodi Lyn O'Keefe? It must be good right? Or horrible since no one has heard of it. You always got to wonder when name actors are in horror movies you've never heard of...
The story: a cop who can't get over his ex- and has a drinking problem encounters a weird vampire orgy where he is bitten and begins to turn into a vampire. Except no one belives him. They think he's crazy because there's no evidence and he's talking like a crazy person. But his ex-, who writes books about vampires, believes him and together they try to kill the head vampire, except the ex- doesn't really want to kill the head vampire, she wants to become a vampire herself and so things go bad and then the cops come and they still think he's crazy and his ex- comes back when he's in the mental ward but no one else can see her so he kills her but there's still no evidence and he still seems crazy and then she isn't dead.
Was it good?
No. I mean, seriously, did you read what I just wrote? The amazing thing is that this was good enough to get a bunch of name actors involved. Of course, it could be that the actors needed a job and this was paying. Yikes. Bad script, bad f/x, bad directing, bad camera work, bad edits... If this had been a no budget outsider movie it would have been bad. To have had pros on set and turn out this, yikes!
*** AVOID ***
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
A BIT OF TOM JONES (a review)

BUNNY BULL (a review)

Sunday, June 13, 2010
POPCORN (2007) (a reivew)


Saturday, June 12, 2010
ALONE IN THE DARK (a review)

SEVENTH MOON (a review)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
HIGHWAY (a review)

Sunday, June 6, 2010
my art...Kim Possible sketch cards
Inspired by Elena's Kim Possible birthday party I decided to try some Kim Possible sketch cards. They were fun, but I have a lot to learn. First, with coloring. Yikes. Some of the, uh, interesting coloring is because I didn't have the right color and didn't want to leave that are white, but others were just that I didn't guage the color from the markers right. The colors change a lot as the marker dries and I didn't know that. Also, with body positioning. As simple as animation makes it look, I still had a lot of trouble getting body position to be both interesting and expressive. Most of these were made while looking at screen caps. Overall, I feel okay about them. For many of the characters this was my first time ever drawing them ever at all. I need a lot more practice, but it's fun so I'll probably be doing more.
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KILLER PAD (a review)
A horror-comedy directed by Robert Englund. Yes, the original Freddy Krueger directing a horror-comedy! That's all I needed to know to put this on my must see list!
The story: four guys move into an apartment in Hollywood and throw a giant party hoping to hook up, but when the hot girls turn out to be killing people because one of them is the devil or something then they have to stop him, or her, or else...um...something.
Was it good?
No. But was it so bad it was good? No. There's some American Pie style jokes, but none of them really generate a laugh and the whole trying to get laid but the girls are killing people is okay, but not great. There is one nice beat where an old friend comes to the party but he's now a priest (not it yet), then of course he gets corrupted (not it yet) BUT then the boys realize that the girls are demons/the devil/whatever and the one person who could fight is the priest, but he's been corrupted so they are screwed. That was good.
And it's not that the movie is absolutely horrible, but there just isn't anything really good here either. Englund's directing doesn't really add anything and the choice to play it more as a comedy than a horror movie robs it of any real tension. There is a bunch of easy jokes, but for a movie that tries to be more comedy than horror, the comedy is easy jokes and never digs deeper to get to the good jokes. See even silly comedies like AMERICAN PIE or DATE NIGHT actually are about something. That gives the comedy more oomph. Here, for all the sex-based jokes, the comedy is pretty bland. And of course the other draw in b-movie horror (after beasts and blood, according to Joe Bob Brigs) is breasts and again for a movie with a lot of sex jokes there isn't any skin. So it isn't that it is horrible...just flat.
So what went wrong? Well, first, while parodies can be fun you have to have a clear sense of what you are parodying and here it isn't clear. Sex comedies? Haunted house? Demon movies? Something else? And if it isn't a parody then you are much better having the movie be ABOUT something. DATE NIGHT has married couple trying to reconnect so they won't get divorced. AMERICAN PIE has four guys trying to get laid, but learning that the girls are actually much more mature about relationships and sex. Here...well, there's just nothing there. The other way to do it would be to make it a horror movie with a lot of comedy, ala SCREAM, but again that wasn't the way they chose to go. Without any dramatic spine, without any point of view, without a sense of what the movie is about, without any jokes that really pop...the whole thing is just kind of empty. You need a point of view. You need something for the movie to be about, even if it's something simple. Even comedies are better when they aren't empty.
HOLY WATER (a review)
Another Asian b-movie review! Two in a row! Weekend double feature! Woohoo!
The story: a geisha seeks out the man who killed her father and has to kill a lot of people to get to him.
Was it good?
Um, not really. The first half was just fight scene after fight scene. All the fights were like B-movie monsters -- they were passable, but nothing great. No great moves, no great wire stunts. Lots of hitting and swords and spinning, but it was all kind of meh. In the second half I think they got into the story more -- there are flashbacks of her as a young girl and her father, but by then I'd checked out and was multitasking so I missed a lot (foreign films with subtitles are hard to watch while multitasking). Maybe it came together, but for me it was too little too late.
*** PASS (but it wasn't horrible) ***
Recommend instead: there are so many good kung fu movies -- CROUCHING TIGER, HIDDEN DRAGON and HERO and ONCE UPON A TIME IN CHINA and RUMBLE IN THE BRONX and...well, there are a lot of better kung fu movies.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
WTF??? If you are looking for weird, bloody, over the top violence in a strange silly way and tons of strange, bizarre, strange...uh...weirdness, then this is the movie for you.
The story: (with help from Wiki) set in the future in Japan where the police force is privatized, a young girl, Ruka, helps the police hunt down engineered people -- people who have been DNA-altered so that whenever they get hurt they grow a weapon and go on a rampage. The person changing them is the "Key Man" and to kill these people you have to cut out a key shaped tumor that is inside each of them. Eventually Ruka meets the Key Man and kills him after learning that his father was also killed unjustly and in fact they are both looking for the same man because the same man ordered both kills -- he ordered the Key Man's father to kill Ruka's father and then had the Key Man's father killed. So now Ruka goes after the man who started all this.
Was it good?
Wow. Words like "good" and "bad" just don't seem to apply. This movie is so over the top strange...and I'm usually good for a big dose of strange, but this was even weird for me. From the over the top violence to people growing weapons to fetish clubs to flashbacks to suicide commercials to everything else. It was an overload of strange. But I'm a multitasker and a subtitled movie with lots of weird can lose me and this one definitely did. Usually when I get lost in a movie I ask myself if it was good enough to make me want to go back and watch it more closely. Here, the answer is no. All the weirdness and violence might be cool if I were in the right mood but I still want more of a story -- something with some emotion. And here, beside the revenge thing, which I'm not into -- I just got the feeling that nothing was there. And for all the satire (commecials with smiling school girls selling suicide instruments), I'm not exactly sure what is being satirized. Again and again, I just didn't connect.
Friday, June 4, 2010
R.I.P. John Wooden, age 99

John Wooden passed away today at the age of 99. Known most for being the coach at UCLA who won 10 national titles, he was also an all american and national champion as a player and a leader and educator for years after he retired. He was considered not only the great college basketball coaches, but one of the greatest coaches in all of sports. Rest in peace.