Tuesday, June 15, 2010

BUNNY BULL (a review)

A strange British comedy about a man who goes on a road trip without leaving his apartment. It is from a writer and star of the British tv show THE MIGHTY BOSH which I've never seen but will not have to check out.

The story: a man who has been a shut in for a year has his routine ruined when mice eat all of his food. Having now to venture out he finds himself reconstructing a road trip he took with an outrageous sex crazed, fun loving pal who was trying to help him get over a woman he loved but who didn't love him.
Was it good?
Yeah, it's a strange, surreal, silly and interesting. It isn't the big laugh out loud, but it's constantly interesting and it does a great job with the characters. Unfortunately, the biggest problem is the main character who is a shut in and whining over a girl for most of the movie, making him incredibly annoying. It's basic to the character, but still these sorts of characters make it hard to embrace a movie and it would have been much better to find some way to let the audience like him more.
Also worth mentioning is the visual style of the film. The transitions from his apartment to the road trip and his recreations of the road trip are all wonderfully inventive and yet don't overwhelm the character or the story. This visual whimsy adds a wonderful touch.

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