An Irish horror film with a Little Red Riding Hood theme.
The story: after a young girl gives up her baby, she and some friends go out into the country where she finds a baby that she wants to care for, but which leads to them being hunted down by a giant wolf.
Was it good?
No. The whole thing was kind of weird. I mean, she loses a baby and then finds a baby out in the woods (which *Holy Crap!* is close to something I have in one of my scripts!), but then they are pursued by this giant -- and I mean giant -- wolf. Um...why? I never got the connection really between the wolf and baby. Eventually the other kids are killed off and she gets to a house where the priest who took her baby is meeting them and I think it's supposed to be something about him taking her baby (he talked her into it or he made her or something? Or maybe he was father? Was that it?) Anyway, it ends with the wolf devouring the pirest from inside the house somehow (so she was a wolf?) and then a family of wolves leaving (so she was one of them? This was a werewolf story?)
Yeah, clearly I didn't get it, and I'm usually pretty good with the fairy tale-as-metaphore stuff. But to be honest that was just the end and if the rest had been really solid it wouldn't have mattered, but nothing really worked for me. The girl losing a baby and then finding one was neat (so neat I wrote a story about it...) but none of the characters or relationships really did anything and the wolf was kind of comical. And I feel bad for saying that because they actually did some cool things and it looked practical instead of just CGI and they didn't do the whole keep it dark so no one really sees it and they had some nice shots...and yet...it just wasn't convincing.
It's too bad. A smarter story (with less annoying kids) and a little better directing (not that the directing was horrible but it needed to be a little better to pull this off) and this might have been neat. But it wasn't.
*** AVOID ***
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