Whenever a low budget horror movie is made, I am there. Whenever a movie goes straight to dvd, I am there. Whenever a movie is critically panned, I am there.
Caring for the uncarable, loving the unlovable, and watching...the UNWATCHABLES.
RECENT RECOMMENDS: Despicable Me, Die Tur (aka The Door) (German/Dutch thriller)
TV SHOWS (current): Todd and the Book of Pure Evil, Burn Notice, 30 Rock, Supernatural, Chuck, Sherlock (BBC), Endgame (Canadian), Spartacus, Breaking Bad
MOVIES (recent theater/dvd): Inception, Black Plague, Thor, Rise of the Planet of the Apes
TV SHOWS (past): Buffy the Vampire Slayer (always #1 in my heart), Robin Hood (BBC), West Wing, Lost (only the first three seasons)
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