Friday, April 9, 2010

HOUSE OF BONES (a review)

HOUSE OF BONES (a review)

This is a made for tv Syfy movie. It's about a reality tv show that goes on location to a haunted house. The tv show host is kind of a jerk and only doing it so they won't get cancelled. The crew (of the fictional show) doesn't believe in ghosts/haunting/etc. I wouldn't have bothered if not for the fact that an actress from Buffy the Vampire, Charisma Carpenter, was on it. It wasn't the worst thing I've ever seen, but it was entirely predictable: a huanted house, people come over who don't believe in haunted houses but make their living off them (by making a tv show about haunted houses) and then the haunted house turns out to be real. It's all been done before, but if it sounds fun you might enjoy it.

*** NEUTRAL ***

Recommend instead: for a better haunted house story try the break out hit PARANORMAL ACTIVITY (reviewed earlier). Also for good creepy movies: The Grude, The Ring, and The Shining.

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