This is a short animated film (11 minutes) included on the Justice League:Crisis on Two Earths DVD (which I haven't seen but will try to soon). Written by Steve Niles (30 Dayes of Night) and produced by Bruce Timm.
The story: a Hollywood producer is killed in an explosion at his home. Jim Corrigan, a detective, takes an interest in the case. Meanwhile, the culprits are coming face to face with The Spectre, a supernatural entity that causes them all to be killed in retribution for what they have done. Finally, Jim goes to see the producer's daughter and confronts her for her part in her father's death. She tries to bribe him (run away with her), but when Corrigan refuses she shoots him. The bullets pass through him. Jim Corrigan is The Spectre. And finally she is killed for her part in the crime as well.
Wha--? There's just nothing here. You get a couple supernatural killings by Spectre and that's it. There's no motivation, no characterization, nothing. By the end I still didn't really know anything about the Spectre. And even the murder is nothing. There's no mystery of who did it, no clues -- nothing. Guy dies. Spectre just seems to know who did it and gets revenge. This was totally lame. I'll be watching a few more of these animated movies from DC and Marvel, but they better get better or I'll be done with them.
** LAME ***
Recommend instead: not a movie, but there are plenty of animted superhero series that are much better. The Batman, Batman: The Animated Series, Superman (90's), some of the Justice League are good. Plus there's always my fav -- Kim Possible!
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