A sort of sequel, sort of remake of the 2011 film that was a remake of the classic 1985 horror comedy. Directed by Eduardo Rodriguez. Stars: Will Payne, Jaime Murray, Sean Power, Sacha Parkinson, and Chris Waller.
The story: a college student with his class in Romania realizes his female professor is really a vampire, so he, his best friend, and the girl he likes but who doesn't like him because he cheated on her find a guy who plays a vampire hunter on tv thinking he will be able to help them and of course it goes badly. The friend is killed, the girl kidnapped and turned and the boy must stop an ancient ritual that will let the vampire continue to walk in sunlight.
Was it good?
No. I mean, really no. While is a pitched as a sequel it really has nothing in common with its predecessor (the remake of the original). All they basically did was do the first movie over while changing the vampire to a female and adding lots of nudity. Now the nudity I'm fine with, but the change of the vampire messes things up. You see, part of what made the first (1985) movie work so well was that it was a simple play on a common story -- the boy in love with a girl who loses the girl to another guy, only in that case the other guy is really a vampire. Changing it to a female vampire really ruins that and it just becomes a story about kids running around and a vampire that can kill people at will and not have the police investigate or anything. It's disappointing (though not surprising). Still, I would love to find a good, fun vampire movie. It's a shame there are so many made and yet so few that are good.
*** AVOID ***