Wednesday, January 12, 2011


A detective/thriller starring Elijah Wood and John Hurt, based on the novel of the same name.

The story: a man goes to Oxford to study under a famed mathmatician. The mathmetician humiliates him, but as the boy is getting ready to leave he and the mathmatician come across the body of a murdered woman with a note, a mathematical symbol. She is the first in a series of murders and the pair must try to find the murderer before his final murder.

Was it good?

No. The problem isn't that the movie is especially bad, it's just there isn't anything great in it. The characters aren't particularly interesting, there isn't a great emotional componant to it (like SILENCE OF THE LAMBS) did, the actual mystery doesn't have any cool aspect (like SEVEN did), and the ending and reveal just wasn't anything special. There are SOOOOO many detective shows on tv, and this really didn't have anything to separate it from any of them. In fact, a lot of tv shows are better put together and more interesting. Maybe there could have been something interesting here, but they just didn't find it.

*** AVOID ***

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