The story: set in Venezula, a genetically altered strain of pirhana has escaped. Not only are they extra-vicious, but they are also growing -- yes, growing! -- as they feast on everything they can find. Of course, the government at first doesn't believe the scientists and try to stop them, but then the pirhana grow big enough to destroy boats and helicoptors and aircraft carriers. Conventional weapons no longer work on them (not even missiles) and the only way to kill them is to hurt one pirhana under water so the animals will turn on each other and in a feeding frenzy destroy themselves.
Was it good?
No, not really. But this movie is so over-the-top stupid it is an oddly fascinating watch. It reminded me of the old horror movies I'd watch on Saturday afternoon that were so cheesey they were enjoyable. I mean, watching a bunch of giant pirhana take down a battleship and destroy a hotel! That's awesome.
So I guess the real question is was this better than the Hollywood version, Pirhana 3-D? Well, no, not really. That movie didn't have some of the over-the-top chees-fest elements, but it had something this movie didn't have -- characters and story. The HW version has the good son wanting to rebel to get the attention of the girl he likes who seems to like another girl, and her later attmpts to get his attention when other girls are flirting with him. It has the story of the mom trying to protect both the town and her family, and it gives a good dose not only of good people in a bad situation, mixed with the wild sex and party debauchery of spring break.
Still, Megapirhana was an entertaining watch. I little more work and it could have been actually good, but it was still entertaining.
** RENT ***
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