Saturday, November 20, 2010



Once the word was made famous in AMERICAN PIE, it was only a matter of time before a teen sex comedyw ith this title came out.

The story: a couple hopeless college guys realize they can get easy sex by hooking up with older women...usually the divorced moms of the friends.

Was it good?

Not really. It wasn't bad. I mean, it's a teen sex comedy and they throw in plenty of sex, so it works on that level. However, most of these t-s-c's these days pair the sex romps with some outrageous comedy and a nice character arc. Here there's nothing like that. There are some attempts at comedy, but nothing really gets laughs. And if there was a character arc I missed it. So is it good...well, no...but it's a pretty harmless sex comedy. I might have even given it a slight rental, except there are just plenty of other t-s-c's out there.

*** AVOID ***

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