Friday, November 5, 2010


A sci-fi movie that was obviously done on the cheap and yet looks surprisingly good. However, the story (a rip-off of Resident Evil) just doesn't measure up.

The story: a group of mercenaries become trapped in a futuristic research station deep below of the surface of the earth, surrounded by alien creatures and have to find a way to get to the surface.

Was it good?

No. It was horrible. The story, which feels like a total rip off of Resident Evil, the casting (who are all horrible in this). The one good thing is that the director gave it a great look. I don't know if he does set design for a living, but he should and leave the camera and actors to people who know what to do with them.

There are worse horror/sci-fi movies than this...but there are also a lot better.

*** AVOID ***

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