This is the feature film reboot of the classic 80's action/comedy tv series. I say classic because that's what other people call it. I've never seen the original. This reboot stars Liam Neeson, Patrick Bradley Cooper and Jessica Biel.
The story: a group of elite combat troops are framed after they try to recover some plates to make fake us currency from the Iraqi's, which they do but then everything goes screwy and because it was an off the books mission they are held accountable and sent to prison. In prison the leader (Hannibal, Liam Neeson) makes a deal to catch the real criminal and recover the plates if they clear their names. He breaks out, then breaks the others out and they go after the bad guy.
Was it good?
This was a huge mess for me. It takes a while to get going since we see each of them individually and then coming together to form a group, all of which was pretty dumb to me. None of their little backstories really added anything and the whole forming the group seemed haphazard since there didn't seem to be any reason to form the group. It was just a very long intro. Yawn. Then they go on the first mission (that we see -- they apparently went on like 80 that we don't see), which is to recover these forgery plates...which I didn't really get. I mean, if they know how to forge US currency then sure you can take the plate but why wouldn't they just make more plates? So it's a mission and if you don't think about it it's fine, but it seemed pretty lame. Still, this is when it gets interesting. It's fun, silly action time and this part has the feel of what you'd expect. Then it goes haywire and they are sent to prison for...I'm still not sure. Not for stealing the plates or killing some guy, I think it's because they recovered the plates but no one told them too? Or because they can't prove that someone told them too? I don't know. It all seemed silly. Then we have them breaking out of prisons (they are each sent to a seperate prison) and reforming the group, which is repetitious since we have already seen the group form once. And then there's a lot of silly action stuff. By then I was bored and didn't really pay attention. Also, there's a romance angle between Bradley Cooper and Jessica Biel where she hates him but then comes to love him...which didn't fit in the movie and was totally lame.
I guess if you want stupid action with some lame one liners thrown in this is okay, but otherwise it's pretty bad.
*** AVOID ***
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