This is a new movie with Samuel Jackson and Carrie Anne Moss (from THE MATRIX).
The story: an American terrorist has planted three nuclear bombs in three different cities and it is up to an interrogator, "H" (Samuel Jackson) and FBI agent Brody (Moss) to question him and make him give up where the bombs are. But there isn't time to do it nicely -- $$$ will have to torture him, which goes in face of everything &&& believes in, which makes it a tricky game of cat and mouse as the bomb-man has planned for what they are going to do.
Was it good?
Um...sort of. I mean, Samuel Jackson is almost always interesting. In this movie he plays a torturer, really, and seeing him fly in the face of everything decent is pretty bad a**. As a thriller is was pretty lacking in thrills. Almost the entire movie takes place in the interrogation area as "H" and Brody try their methods of getting information, while also clashing with each other. There is one sequence where Brody leaves to disactivate a bomb, but that's about it. And since none of their lives are in danger, and in fact the danger feels so impersonal, there just isn't much tension to it. Also, while the interrogation does ramp up and the character argue about what is okay and what isn't, they never get deeper beneath the surface, so after a while it's just the next iteration.
Still, watching Jackson is just plain cool. But I would recommend it more as a drama. If you want a thriller, find something with mroe thrills.
*** SLIGHT RECOMMEND (as a drama) ***
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