An action-comedy by the director of ZOMBIELAND starring Jessie Eisenberg (also from Zombieland as well as Social Network). Zombieland was a big, surprise hit. This movie...not so much.
The story: a pizza delivery guy is ambushed and gets a bomb strapped to him and is told to get $100 grand in nine hours or they will blow him up. You see, the guys that bomb-strapped him want to hire a man to kill their dad so they can inherit money to open a tanning salon/prostitution ring. The boys pull off the heist, but then everything starts to go wrong.
Was it good?
It was okay. The beginning I guess is supposed to be clever and funny, but it didn't work for me at all. None of the banter or relationships landed for me. Once things get in motion it picks up a bit and there were a few laughs, but it was just too little, too late and the ending didn't add anything. Comedy is subjective. For me this was miss.
Still, I can see where some people would like it. If Jessie Eissenberg in a bumbling criminal movie sounds funny you might like it. If the idea doesn't do anything for you immediately...I'd avoid it.
*** AVOID ***
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