Like other recent movies, this is a slightly skewed take on super-hero movies. Written/directed by James Gunn (Slither, Scooby-Doo, Dawn of the Dead). Stars Rainn Wilson, Ellen Page, Kevin Bacon, Liv Tyler, Nathan Fillion, and Michael Rooker.
The story: Frank (Rainn Wilson)'s wife leaves him for a charismatic drug dealer. After a hallucinatic vision, he puts together a costume and tries to be a super hero, namely trying to save his wife who doesn't want to be saved. Along the way he is joined by a female comic shop employee (Ellen Page) who becomes his sidekick and it turns out is even more into it (unhinged) than Frank. Together they launch a final assult on the drug dealer to save Frank's wife.
Was it good?
Not really. It's one of those off movies that is either going to work for you or it won't and this one just didn't work for me. Like KICK ASS, it takes the point of view of an ordinary person deciding to fight crime, but being incredibly incompetant at it. The problem with all these movies is they seem to want to have both sides -- that being a superhero is idiotic and yet somehow still cool. For me, once I feel like the protagonist is just an idiot, I tend to tune out so when the filmmaker decides in the third act that suddenly trying to be a hero doesn't make you a nut-job but that there is something positive about it, I have lost interest.
Aside from that quirky view, there's nothing really different or interesting here. I just wish the people making these superhero stories would do something more than be smart asses about the genre.
*** AVOID ***
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