This is the pseudo-action/thriller movie starring GEORGE CLOONEY with a funny haircut and an insanely hot Italian girl.
The story: Clooney is a hit man who hooks up with a super hot Italian girl and then decides he doesn't want to be a hitman, but someone else is after him so he has to kill them and then everything is okay.
Was it good?
No. But it wasn't bad...it was worse. It was BORING. I mean, I wrote a story in high school about an assassin who wants to quit and has anot't her assassin trying to kill him and I was 16. This version threw in more sex, but really the rest was actually dumber than what I had. At least I put something about the power future corporations would have as they grew bigger than most nations. This movie had nothing. Lots of quiet shots. Lots of thinking about something I don't know. I mean, this guy doesn't have that bad of a life. Sure he might not want to kill anymore but he doesn't really seem haunted by it and on the flip side he has money and no problem meeting really hot women to have sex with. He isn't really fighting for anything (certainly not to make up for the people he has killed in the past), so why do I care?
And the answer: I didn't.
Most boring movie I've seen in months.
*** AVOID ***
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