An animated superhero movie about a villain and some kids. Stars Steve Carrell as the kind-of super villain.
The story: a super villain is getting shown up by a better super villain who has just stolen an Egyptian pyramid. Worse, the bank now nolonger believes in the villain and has pulled their funding for his latest scheme -- a plot to steal the moon. Now he has to use three innocent girls to try to steal a shrink ray from his villian-nemesis to pull off his plan to steal the moon, but of course being with these girls will change his villain ways.
Was it good?
Yeah, it was good. Not amazing, but it was solid. Carrell was great for the vioce work and it had a nice twist on the super-hero/super-villain roles. Unfortunately, it becomes a little too obvious and pits villian against villain in a very light way -- these guys aren't even really villainous enough to be on CHUCK much less mess with Dr Doom or any real big bads. All this makes the movie drag as the movie moves through the second half with no real stakes -- we don't want the guy to steal the moon (and don't think he'll really do it in a significant way) and if he fails, well so what?
For young kids that won't be a problem as the movie moves along, but for older kids and adults will amuse but won't be at the same level as the best animated films.
*** RECOMMEND (especialyl for young kids) ***
Still, there's a lot to
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