Did you watch BREAKFAST CLUB and think "This would make for a great horror movie? That teacher guy could just go nuts and try to kill them all?" Well, apparently the makers of this movie did.
The story: a bunch of kids are sent to detention where they are hunted and killed by the psycho teacher who is supposed to be watching them.
Was it good?
Not really. But it wasn't all bad either. IMDB has it as a 2.9 out of 10 and it's better than that. The bad is the fact that it is just a lowest of the low budget movie. Just visually, it looks bad. And the writing and acting don't do anything to elevate it. They aren't the worst of the worst, but there's nothing good there to really catch on. And for some reason the kids are cast with people who look thirty five. It is the most unbelievable cast of high school students since the 10th year of Beverly Hills 90210 when those kids were somehow STILL in high school.
So what made it better-than-dreck? The story. Specifically, the writer was smart and didn't just keep the concept of Breakfast Club, but kept some of the structure, so you get these different kids with different backgrounds and you have moments where they come together. Granted it was all basically just lifted from the original, but so many horror movies don't have anything other than the-thing-that-kills that for me it put this one just a bit ahead of the pack. There still wasn't enough to recommend it (nothing original at least), but it made the movie better than a 2.9.
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