Wednesday, July 7, 2010

THE BREED (a review)

Produced by Wes Craven, starring Michelle Rodriguez and a guy from . This has to be one of the worst directed movies with professional actors I've ever seen. They should do a double feature with this and would be painful and hilarious.

The story: a group of frinds go to an island for a vacation when they are attacked by very intelligent dogs.

Was it good?

No. I mean...NO. This was amazingly bad. This movie was a tie with PREY for lamest horror movie I've seen of the year, which is saying something because Pray sucked and this movie had a couple girls in bikinis. But seriously this was bad and easily the worst directed movie I've seen in a long time.

So why was the directing so bad? Well, sure the attack sequences were lame but I don't blame him for that. Dogs trying to be vicious and actors that you don't want to actually get can be tricky...but it's the other stuff -- the build into the attacks and the character moments -- that he has no excuse for not getting right. Now a quick check at IMDB shows this guy has done a lot of 2nd D work for movies, which means a lot of the action shots without real actors and cutaway stuff, so he should know a lot of the process, but apparently hasn't picked up much of the other stuff -- getting the emotion of the scene and coming up with interesting camera angles so everything isn't the most boring shot ever.

There are some other problems, mainly with the dogs. If it's a horror movies about people being attacked by dogs then at some point the dogs are going to have to be scary and these dogs never are. Just...never. They just look like dogs. And I'm not saying that being attacked by a normal dog wuldn't be scary -- it can be really scary -- but that never quite comes across. And a director in a dog-horror movie that can't make the dogs feel scary...yikes! He wasn't helped by the script, which hit the major beats it needed but had a lot of stupid stuff in it that didn't come together. Like the dogs sometimes are incredibly smart and work together and sometimes they aren't. A good example is in the middle of the film the dogs chew through a rope so that the people's plane will drift away, but later they leave a boat tied up that the people can easily get to. Other stuff, like sometimes they break through walls and windows and other times they just aren't around. Why? Because it works for the plot, but it doesn't build the animals consistantly as a threat in any way.

It's late so I won't go on.

But it was LAME.

*** AVOID ***

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